1960's Wake Basketball  

Drew Markham, a prominent member of Wake's online community, has archived video of an impressively large amount of Wake Forest sporting events. Although the majority of his collection is from the 1980's, 90's, and 2000's, he recently obtained some 1960's basketball footage and posted screenshots of some of the action. The screenshots themselves are pretty impressive, and it makes me really want to check out the full video.

Here's some of the stuff he posted:

I have no idea what the ref is up to in this picture, but the thing I thought was cool about it was the old "WFC" logo at center court. Definitely hard to imagine something other than "WFU" for Wake people my age, but it's neat to see every once in awhile. I like the way they connected the three letters up at the top. This picture was from Duke/Wake game in the 1960's.

Two things stand out to me about this image from a Wake/NC State game in Raleigh. In keeping with the theme of the first picture, the first thing I notice is NC State's mid court logo. I've seen a lot of basketball and a lot of basketball courts, but I've never seen a mid court logo that face the baseline instead of the sideline. Anyone know how long NC State had their logo like that? Or why?

The other thing I notice about this picture is that Wake appears to be ahead of its time when it comes to their uniforms. You know those much maligned Wizards alternates with the gold top and black shorts? Unlike many people I happen to like those Wizards uniforms, but regardless it appears they may have drawn their inspiration from the 1960's Deacs. Awesome.

This last picture is said to be from a Wake home game against Duke on February 3, 1960. I am immediately struck by the "H" and "V" painted on the floor on either side of the lane. I have never seen these before, and if I had to guess they indicate that one side of the lane is for one team and one for the other. If this is correct, this rule has entirely changed in today's game. It seems like a set up like that would create an interesting strategy for missing freethrows. Anyone ever seen this anywhere else? Was that really the rule? When did it change? If you have answers to these questions I'd love for you to share.


  • Anonymous  
    3/26/08, 9:49 AM

    that's some good stuff right there... i'd love to see them wear a throwback to those 'wizards' unis at some point... or should i say deacons

  • Anonymous  
    3/26/08, 2:48 PM

    Back in the old days, I believe teams still alternated positions on the lane for free throws, but one team got the low block on one side, and the other team got the low block on the other side. So the H probably meant that the home team got the low block on that side, with a visitor next to him, then the visitor got the low block on the other side, with a home team player next to him.

  • Anonymous  
    3/26/08, 6:40 PM

    Nice work . . . Seems like when they played at Cole Field House, Maryland's "M" faced a baseline. Maybe it's an ACC thing.

  • Zach Smith  
    3/27/08, 10:43 AM

    Thanks for the responses, particularly the explanation on the home/visitor rule from Mike. I had no idea it used to be like that.

    I'll have to check on the Cole Field House floor. Maybe I can find a picture.

  • Anonymous  
    3/31/08, 7:29 PM

    Just stumbled across this blog. I collect ACC basketball jerseys. I have a Wake jersey from the early 60s. Maybe someone can help narrow down the date or player. Here is a link:http://www.both-teams-played-hard.com/catalog/item/1444308/5014343.htm I also have a Wake Warm Up from the mid 70s...#14 sewn inside. If anyone knows of where to find photos from these eras, that would help. Video clips would be great, also. THANKS!

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