ACC-Tourney Wrap Up  

If we can briefly take a look at the ACC tournament from a non-Wake (really non-anything) perspective, I think we’d have to agree that it was really a pretty good tournament.

Obviously Thursday wasn’t the most exciting day ever, but it probably never will be. There were a few good matchups Friday, but obviously we hadn’t reached the main event yet. Saturday/Sunday was about as awesome as it could have been. Both Saturday matchups provided plenty of excitement, and for the majority of the country it’s always fun to see Duke lose.

Yesterday’s championship was a great game as well. Sure, it would have been nice to Clemson pull it off the upset, but it was still a great exciting game and that was all I really wanted from it.

Other than the leaky roof on Saturday things seemed to go without a hitch all weekend and, at least from what I saw on TV, having the tournament in Charlotte was a success. I understand wanting to have it in Greensboro to fit a few thousand more fans, but generally Charlotte seemed like a pretty good location.


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